2024 Missions Leaders Meeting (MLM)

LIFT UP YOUR EYESListen! I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest.
-John 4:35 (MEV)

Wednesday, February 28th through Saturday, March 2nd

The Missions Leaders Meeting (MLM) is a gathering of US missions leaders committed to empowering, equipping and encouraging missional kingdom work internationally throughout the Vineyard.

We are excited to continue exploring what God has for us in global missions. The MLM is designed for men and women who make, or participate in, decisions related to their church's involvement in missions. Now is the time to join what God is doing among the nations. Now is the time, regardless of generation or culture, to reach all peoples for Christ. Through inspirational teachings on the miraculous works of the Holy spirit, to working through the eight competencies needed for effective missions, we will learn, connect, and become even more unified in our efforts to advance the kingdom of God throughout the world.